If you are seeing the wrong year appearing for the date of a trade on the trading tab, or if you get an error message that says no date (or something similar) when you try to import trades, but you know there is a date column, please try the steps below to correct the issue.
1- Open the file in Excel
2- Select the whole Date column (1)
3- Navigate to the Data tab (2) at the top
4- Click the Text to Columns (3) option
5- In the pop up window select Fixed width (4), and click Next (5)
6- On the next screen click Next (6)
7- Make sure the section that contains the date is selected (7), and choose Date (8)
- If the Next button (9) is available, click it, and select the next section (10), then choose Do not import confirm (skip) (11). Repeat those steps for any additional section.
- If the Next button (9) does not appear, simply click Finish (12)
8- Finally click OK (13)
Following those steps should allow you to create a CSV file that will import all the information correctly.